O.R.C. 5721.03
"(B)(1) The auditor shall cause the delinquent tax list and the delinquent vacant land tax list, if one is compiled, to be published twice within sixty days after the delivery of the delinquent land duplicate to the county treasurer. The first publication shall be made in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. The second publication may be made either in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or on a web site maintained or approved by the county. If the second publication is made on such a web site, the auditor shall remove or cause to be removed the list or lists from that web site two weeks after publication.”

2023 delinquent advertising for real estate & manufactured homes was posted 11/1/24 & removed 11/18/24, 2 weeks after publication according ORC 5721.03
2024 delinquent advertising for real estate & mnufactured homes will be posted here in October/November 2025. Please check back.