The Auditor is the permanent Secretary of the Budget Commission which also includes the County Treasurer and the Prosecutor. It is the responsibility of the Commission to annually review the tax budgets of all taxing districts within the county and to determine that all tax levies are properly authorized and allocated to local governments and libraries.
Terence G. Habermehl, Secretary
Clinton County Auditor
1850 Davids Dr. Suite 303
Wilmington, OH 45177
Telephone: 937-382-2250
Brian A. Shidaker, Chair
Clinton County Prosecutor
103 E. Main St.
Wilmington, OH 45177
Telephone: 937-382-4559
Kyle Rudduck, Member
Clinton County Treasurer
1850 Davids Dr. Suite 203
Wilmington, OH 45177
Telephone: 937-382-2224
Requests for budget commission action may be mailed, dropped off in-person, or emailed directly to Logan M. Bailey ( and Danette L. Garringer (, but please only submit ONE Time, Via ONE Method. Email is the preferred delivery method. If emailed, please ensure you receive a response that it was received.
Requests submitted after the deadlines listed below will be held until the next scheduled meeting. All requests for interim/emergency action between regularly scheduled meetings will be reviewed by the commission secretary who will determine whether to grant such a request. Such requests must be submitted at least three (3) business days in advance of the requested meeting date. This will allow the coordination of member schedules as well as appropriate media notification.
Required Annual Filings:
- On or before Jan. 30.
- Certificate of the Total Amount Available from All Sources for Expenditures and Balances, O.R.C 5705.36
- On or before Jan. 30.
- Permanent Appropriations, or April 1 if approved Temporary (Temporary must be filed with Auditor’s office)
- On or before Jan. 30.
- Cash Report (Financial Statements)
- On or before Oct. 1.
- Resolution Accepting Amounts and Rates, O.R.C. 5705.34-35
- On or before Oct 1.
- Local Government Alternative Formula Approval
*Please be advised that the regularly scheduled Budget Commission meetings are now on the third Tuesday of every month and the deadline has changed to Wednesday at noon prior to that date.